Friday, May 4, 2012

Thrift Store Score

My little town of Fallbrook doesn't have very many thrift stores...just a few non profit thrift stores who's proceeds go back into the community.  I love to meander through these little stores when I'm out running errands and I have a few minutes to spare.
Recently I was in one of these thrift stores digging through a box of thread and zippers when one of the ladies that worked there approached and asked if I sewed.  "Oh I love to sew"  I answered.
She informed me that they had just received several boxes of fabric in the back and asked if I wanted to dig through them.  I guess the more I buy, the less they have to go through and price.
Wow, there were 4 big boxes of fabric and sewing stuff!  I think my heart actually skipped a beat I was so excited!
I walked away with 2 HUGE bags of fabric.  All for $9.00.
They are all wonderful fabrics and I have future plans for most of them, but this is the one that really stuck out in my mind and had me excited to get home and start sewing!
Isn't it wonderful?!
It reminds me of some of the fabrics you see in the Ballard Designs catalog for $25.00 a yard.
There was a little over a yard of it and after I averaged it out with the rest of the fabric that day, I think it cost me less than $1.00.

It just so happens that this is one of the colors my good friend Donnella is looking to incorporate into her patio.
Although this is not an outdoor fabric, there is no reason it won't work for a few throw pillows for her outdoor furniture.
So off to my workroom I go!
Pictures and post to follow soon.
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  1. Two big bags of fabric, for $9, is a great score! Can't wait to see you work your magic on it. ~ Maureen

  2. Our local Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift drop-offs no longer accept fabric, whether still on the bolt or folded nicely and pre-marked with yardage. So I'm at a loss where to get rid of my excess fabric - as well as where to find just that perfect small piece to go with something I've been saving for a perfect pillow.

    1. I'd try little church type thrift stores. This came from St. Vincent De Paul thrift store.

  3. Just found your blog. Oooooh I know that ecstatic feeling of getting fabric at such a great price! A friend gave me a huge garbage bag full of designer weight fabric remnants....for FREE! I used the beautiful black and white toile for my laundry room re-do, others I gave to my mom for her to use since she sews a lot too!

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