Friday, February 24, 2012

Knotted Corner Pillow

My favorite designer always has some fun and interesting details she has me add to her creations, that's one of the reasons she's my favorite.  Her projects are always interesting and fun to work on.  Lately she has been on a Knotted Corner Pillow kick and I can see why.  Knotted corners on pillows look so cute.
Wouldn't this be cute with a nautical or beachy fabric?
Follow along as I show how to make these knots.

Cut your pillow as you would for a basic pillow.  You can find those instructions here:

You're going to need enough lip cord to go all around your pillow plus about 7" per corner.
You're also going to need a cording foot that is slightly smaller then your lip cord.
My lip cord is 1/2" diam. and I'm using a 1/4" cording foot.

Always start lip cord at the center bottom of your pillow front.  I just make a small clip in my fabric to mark the center bottom.  Extend the cord 1 1/2" past the center point.  This extra will be used to join the lip cord.

Stitch on top of the lip cord biting into the actual cord.  Stop with your needle down when you get approx. 2" from the corner.  Clip into the lip at 1 1/2" from the corner.
Now depending on the diameter of your cord, leave approx.  5 1/2" and then clip into your lip again.  You may have to experiment to get this exact measurement right.  It all depends on how thick your cord is and how tight you want your knot.
Remove the lip from your cord between these two clips.  Sometimes there is a chain stitch and if you find the right thread you can just pull and the stitching simply unravels.
Tie a knot with the cord.
After you've tied your knot, stitch up to the first clip mark and back stitch.  Clip the threads and remove from under the foot.  Pivot your pillow and put your cording foot at the 2nd clip mark.  Back stitch and continue to sew up the next side of your pillow until you get 2" from the next corner and repeat.
There will be an un-stitched area in the corners.  We will go back and stitch that later.
Once you've knotted all your corners and you are on the final stretch (bottom) of your pillow, stop stitching with your needle down about 2" from your center mark.  Cut your cord 1 1/2"-2" beyond the center clip.  Dab both cut ends of cord with glue.
Let the glue dry for about 5 min.  Now separate the lip from the cord the last 1 1/2" of each end.
Unravel your cord slightly and lay those three cords flat like this.
Unravel the other end of the cord just enough to sit/butt up against the flattened out cord.  Basically you are criss crossing them.
Holding the cord ends in place, stitch over them.
Finish constructing your pillow following "How to Sew a Basic Pillow" link at the beginning of this post.
After you have the zipper and sides stitched together, go back and stitch diagonally across the corners.  Be sure not to catch the knots in the stitching.
Trim the corners.
Turn right side out and press.  Stuff your pillow.
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  1. Really lovely! Thanks for sharing at this week's BFF Open House.

  2. I absolutely love that idea! The fabric on that pillow is so gorgeous too. Thanks so much for sharing it with us at Inspiration Friday this week!

  3. Beautiful pillow- love the knots and the fabric. Thanks for linking up to Cowgirl Up.
    :) Samantha @ Crafty Texas Girls

  4. Just beautiful! It really elevates the pillow from a "home made" look into a "designer" look. Thanks for the great directions for the knot AND how to join cording together for a seamless look. I saw your wonderful post over at Carolyn's Homework link party.

  5. Beautiful pillow. Thanks for sharing at Bacon Time.

  6. I love your fabric, and love sewing pillows. Your tutorial is very good and will help me add trim in the future. Adding the trim takes the pillow to a designer look. Love the knots. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration over at Sunday's Best Par.tay

  7. Thanks for sharing! I always wanted to know how to do this. Can't wait to try it!

  8. What a fun detail! I love the fabric for the pillow that you chose. Thanks so much for sharing at The Creative Spark. I hope to see you again!
    Jenn :)

  9. Featured this on my blog's Facebook page:!/MakingLemonadeBlog

    I love the nautical look!
